Short Stories

Star Diaries, The — Stanislaw Lem

First published 1971.  Translated by Michael Kandel, Penguin paperback, 2016, pp 338, c.108,000 words. This is a collection of twelve stories featuring Ijon Tichy, a space explorer.  They are inventive genius, often very amusing, and all exploring the nature (and absurdity) of humanity and existence.  The philosophy is lightened by the frequent need to outwit […]

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Far Stars — Eric Frank Russell

First published 1961.  Panther paperback, 1964, pp 128, c.62,000 words. This is a collection of six stories, original published in magazines between 1952 and 1956.  It includes one of the finest SF stories of the period, The Waitabits, that is also included in Edmund Crispin’s collection, Best S|F Six, reviewed elsewhere.  Crispin, in his introduction

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Women and Ghosts — Alison Lurie

First published 1994.  Minerva, paperback, 1994, pp 211, c.70,000 words. I’m not a fan of ghost stories, but I do love Alison Lurie’s writing, and as this is the only fiction of hers I haven’t read… well it was time. There are ten unconnected stories in this collection, and they average about twenty pages apiece.

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