Science Fiction

Mindswap — Robert Sheckley

First published 1966.  Grafton paperback, 1986, pp191, c.53,000 words. The story starts with an interesting SF premiss (and one occasionally explored by Hollywood) that one could swap minds with someone else.  Each person’s body would keep functioning as normal.  It would be a cheap way to travel.  So thinks Marvin Flynn, a moderately successful drone […]

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Starbrat — John Morressy

First published 1972.  New English Library paperback, 1979, pp190, c.69,000 words. This is a picaresque tale of someone growing up while travelling around the galaxy which has been peopled with humans and aliens.  It could just as easily have been a time-traveller on Earth visiting different periods of history: Romans, Vikings, the Slave Trade, the

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Case of Conscience, A — James Blish

First published 1958. Arrow paperback, 1979, pp 208, c.73,000 words. This is surely unique amongst golden-age science fiction in being concerned with Roman Catholic doctrine.  There was considerable interest in literary fiction in the subject at that time, in the novels of Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh for example.  Blish opens his foreword with: ‘This

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Them Bones — Howard Waldrop

First published 1989.  Legend paperback, 1989, pp 218, c.60,000 words. This is a science fiction book set in the past.  It is structured as three interleaving story strands, one of which concerns a group of archaeologists who are digging in some strange burial mounds in Louisiana in 1929, the second is the story of a

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