Book Reviews

When Gravity Fails
When Gravity Fails --- George Alec Effinger
First published 1986.  Bantam paperback, 1988, pp 276, c.110,000 words One might be forgiven for thinking that this book is about the sudden loss of gravity and how are people going to cope with floating around.  That would be an interesting book,...
Secret Barrister
Secret Barrister, The --- Secret Barrister
First published 2018.  Picador paperback, 2019, pp 374, c.110,000 words (main text). If anyone knows how to argue their case it should be a barrister, and this book is certainly well argued.  It is one of those books that makes me mad with every...
Recalled to Life
Recalled to Life --- Robert Silverberg
First published 1958.  Focus paperback, 1967, pp 144, c.50,000 words. Amongst a small pile of a friend’s husband’s old SF books given to me I found two by Robert Silverberg whom I had never encountered before.  What a treat this is for fans of the golden...
Ebony Tower
Ebony Tower, The --- John Fowles
First published 1974.  Granada paperback, 1981, pp 304, c.110,000 words. Nowhere on the cover of this edition does it say that this is a collection of stories, presumably because the publishers know that would lower sales.  There are actually five stories...
As We Were
As We Were --- E F Benson
First published 1930.  The Hogarth Press paperback, 1985, pp 355, c.110,000 words. The cover of this edition shows a cartoon of Benson’s parents and siblings, so it was not unreasonable to expect something like a biography of his family, and indeed...
Crisis --- Frank Gardner
First published 2016.  Bantam paperback, 2017, pp 553, c.175,000 words. This is a workman-like, if unoriginal, thriller.  Luke Carlton is the protagonist, a former special forces officer who is now working for British Intelligence.  This is exactly...
Alien Heat
Alien Heat, An --- Michael Moorcock
First published 1972.  Granada paperback, 1979, pp 158, c.55,000 words. What a period piece this is with its surreal, trippy feel, characters with weird names indulging in every fantasy without guilt.  It is a decadent world without want, reducing almost...
Golden Soak
Golden Soak --- Hammond Innes
Golden Soak by Hammond Innes First published 1973.  Fontana paperback, 1975, pp 286, c.115,000 words. This is a classic Innes thriller, with all the usual ingredients except the sea, which in this case in replaced by the harsh deserts of Western...
Many Splendoured Thing
Many-Splendoured Thing, A --- Han Suyin
First published 1952.  Triad Granada paperback, 1985, pp 333, c.135,000 words. The title of this book sounds like a quote from something, but a search reveals that it is not Shakespeare or any of the other usual sources.  Only a song is mentioned...
High Rise
High-Rise --- J G Ballard
First published 1975.  Fourth Estate paperback, 2014, pp 253, c.65,000 words. This is classic Ballard: set in a concrete tower-block in London, the characters never seem to engage one another at an emotional level and there is a steadily growing...