William Graham

Fandango Rock — John Masters

First published 1959.  Sphere, paperback, 1984, pp 330, c.135,000 words. This is a clash-of-cultures book, which is Masters usual territory, but this is a clash between Americans and Spaniards in the 1950s and not the British and Indians during the colonial period.  Masters again conveys a love and admiration for both sides, but this does […]

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Project Hail Mary — Andy Weir

First published 2021.  Penguin, paperback, 2022, pp 478, c.120,000 words. Warning: this review contains some minor plot spoilers, and as many have said, this excellent book is best first read completely cold.  Don’t even read the blurb on the back. Weir has almost single-handedly revived hard science fiction, a genre that had almost disappeared under

Project Hail Mary — Andy Weir Read More »

New Breed, The — Kate Darling

First published 2021.  Penguin, paperback, 2022, pp 310 (including 80 pages of notes and index), c.83,000 words (main text). Kate Darling studied economics and law before teaching and researching the legal and ethical implications of technology.  This book distills her thoughts on how robots should be considered in these terms.  Her big idea is that

New Breed, The — Kate Darling Read More »